Workshop addresses MDR-TB challenges in newly independent states and the Russian Federation

WHO/Europe convened a workshop on “Health systems in transition: TB control in the countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU)” during the 44th UNION World Conference on Lung Health in Paris, France on 31 October 2013.

National tuberculosis (TB) programme managers and TB specialists from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation and Tajikistan discussed the challenges of TB control and issues of multidrug-resistance (MDR-TB) in their countries.

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and consequent interruption of health services delivery and social support systems, TB rates increased. Over the last 20 years most of the newly independent states and the Russian Federation have managed to implement the core components of the internationally recognized Stop TB Strategy. While the TB situation in most of the countries has been slowly improving over the past decade, with an average annual decrease of about 2%, MDR-TB rates and TB-HIV co-infection have been increasing.

Participants shared their experiences and ideas on:

  • utilizing rapid diagnostic techniques for early detection of  TB and MDR-TB;
  • the need to change the financing models in their countries to support the ambulatory models of treatment;
  • social support to the patients;
  • issues related to introduction of the new anti-TB drugs.

The workshop was attended by more than 90 participants and simultaneous translation into Russian provided the possibility for an interactive panel discussion.