Self-reliance review of tuberculosis activities in Belarus (2018)




25-28 March 2018

Mission report

The WHO Regional Office for Europe is assessing readiness for transition from Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)-financed tuberculosis (TB) activities in six selected countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) in the landscape of overall dwindling external donor funding. The aim of this work is to assist (i) countries in documenting their preparedness to move from donor-funded to domestically funded anti-TB activities and (ii) country-level stakeholders to highlight and prioritize transition-focused efforts. As part of this work, two WHO experts visited Belarus during 25–28 March 2018 for WHO's third in-country meeting for discussion and assessment of the project. This report presents an overview of the transition process in Belarus, some sustainability aspects and challenges stemming from donor withdrawal from TB-related activities, along with recommendations on how to overcome transition-related difficulties and ensure sustainability.