Enhancing people-centred health services through strategic facility planning in the region of Kyzylorda Kazakhstan


Aligning health system enablers to develop people-centred health services

Strategic planning of health facilities that applies a people-centred approach can mitigate the effect of noncommunicable and environment-driven diseases. To achieve this, it is argued that health facility managers are vital to translating national and regional priorities while ensuring their services remain responsive to the specific needs of the communities they serve. This involves a stepwise approach to facility strategic planning that stratifies the population, adapts services to patient needs and manages financial and human resources with a primary health care approach.

During a hands-on training from 5 to 6 October in the city of Kyzylorda, Oblast Health Department officials and local health facilities directors and managers discussed and practised areas for strategically guiding the work of health facilities towards meeting their population health needs. This approach is in line with the "Densaulyk" State Health Programme for the Republic of Kazakhstan  and the WHO European Framework for Action on Integrated Health Services Delivery.

The workshop was conducted as part of the WHO Biennial Collaborative Agreement 2016 – 2017, and implemented under the WHO component of a Kazakhstan Government funded, joint project of 6 UN agencies. The UN Joint Programme aims to achieve more sustainable and equitable progress in social, health and economic development of the Kyzylorda oblast. This includes achieving better patient experience, better health outcomes and better quality of services.

The workshop was supported by the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care (WECPHC) in Almaty. The WECPHC is providing Member States across the WHO European Region new opportunities to strengthen primary care. The workshop is the second of two workshops delivered this year on strategic planning in Kazakhstan. The first workshop was delivered in Aktau city, in the Mangystau region. Pilot sites have been identified in both regions and are working to develop strategic management plans for the health facilities.