WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care in Almaty, Kazakhstan, supports Member States in reforming systems to deliver people-centred, integrated health services. It provides technical support to strengthening the delivery of services that are based on a primary health care approach and focuses on the integration of primary care with public health, hospitals and the social sector.

The Centre operates in the context of the priorities identified in the European Framework for Action on Integrated Health Services Delivery and the WHO European Region’s commitment to strengthening people-centred health systems as envisioned in Health 2020.

The WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care is hosted by the Government of Kazakhstan and has a multidisciplinary staff with diverse expertise and hands-on experience across countries in the European Region.

Contact us

Melitta Jakab, Head of Office
Tel.: +7 727 338 70 75
E-mail: eurocphc@who.int

WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care
Kazakh National Medical University
88 Tole Bi Street
Almaty 050012