Photo story – Thousands vaccinated in Kyrgyzstan seasonal influenza immunization campaign


In November 2017, the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan together with the WHO Country Office organized a national month-long campaign to promote seasonal influenza vaccination among the people most vulnerable to the disease. Since the influenza season usually starts late in the year and peaks in December to January in Kyrgyzstan, November is an optimal time to receive a vaccine.

The nation-wide campaign was made possible as the Ministry received 105 000 doses of influenza vaccine under the Partnership for Influenza Vaccine Introduction (PIVI) project, in addition to the 70 000 doses procured by the country. The PIVI project is coordinated by the Task Force forGlobal Health and funded by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). WHO facilitated the donation and ensured that health-care workers were trained to administer the vaccines across the country.

Targeted groups included older people, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, and residents of institutions for older people and the disabled. Vaccination was also recommended for health-care workers due to their increased exposure and risk of infection.