South-Trøndelag County, Norway: challenges of rapidly changing demographics

WHO/Oluf Christoffersen

Ms Brit Skjelbred, County Governor, and Dr Jan Vaage, Chief County Medical Officer of South-Trøndelag County, Norway meet Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe.

On 28 August 2015, Ms Brit Skjelbred, County Governor and Dr Jan Vaage, Chief County Medical Officer of South-Trøndelag County, Norway, led a delegation of 32 people on an official visit to WHO/Europe where they met Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe.

During the day, Dr Vaage made a presentation on the Trondheim Declaration and Norway's commitment to creating equity in health and well-being and reducing health inequities worldwide. He also presented the health situation in South-Trøndelag County and explained how Trondheim's governance structure encompasses the multisectoral approaches taken by the Governor and the Chief Medical Officer to addressing determinants of health in the area.

A round-table discussion followed between the Norwegian delegation and senior management from WHO/Europe, on the following topics:

  • drug and alcohol misuse;
  • obesity and diabetes;
  • social determinants of health and inequalities, with particular emphasis on migrant health; and
  • demographic challenges and health system responses.

The delegation gained better understanding of the work of WHO/Europe, and Ms Skjelbred expressed the group's commitment to further collaboration, with a focus on migration for addressing the social determinants of health, as well as tackling noncommunicable diseases.