Celebration of United Nations Day in Tajikistan

A concert dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the United Nations was given by modern Tajik pop singers. Photo: Tahmina Alimamedova
United Nations Member States and agencies celebrate United Nations Day on 24 October. Representatives of all the United Nations agencies working in Tajikistan, including WHO, took part in the 2010 celebration.

Activities included a press conference with the participation of the heads of United Nations agencies, lectures/public meetings for students of the four main universities in Tajikistan (the Tajik State National University, University of Agriculture, Russian Tajik Slavonic University and the Medical University), a cinema week dedicated to the issues of global concern addressed by the United Nations and a concert with the participation of Tajik pop singers.  

The WHO Representative in Tajikistan, Dr Pavel Ursu, met with the students of the Tajik State Medical University and delivered a public lecture about WHO’s activities in the country, calling on young people, particularly the students of University, to play an active part in building a healthy society.