Implementing the national strategy on child and adolescent health and development

The Government of Tajikistan approved the strategy in 2008. It was developed with technical support from WHO and based on the European strategy for child and adolescent health and development. The implementation of the strategy was assessed in May 2011, using the WHO tool to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the European strategy. Tajikistan was the first country in the WHO European Region to apply this tool.

The assessment focused on:

  • implementation status;
  • the extent to which the strategy interventions were consistent with the guiding principles (life-course approach, equity, intersectoral action and participation) and included a gender approach;
  • the extent to which the implementation process was informed by a health-system-framework perspective;
  • impact on service delivery.

The results of the assessment were presented and discussed during a meeting of stakeholders on 4 June 2011. This gave representatives of the Ministry of Health, other government structures and ministries, health institutions, and national and international partner organizations an opportunity not only to discuss key challenges but also propose possible solutions.