Tajikistan conference on malaria elimination


An international scientific conference on malaria elimination was held in Tajikistan with the aim of exchanging experiences, learning from best practice in malaria elimination and strengthening cross-border cooperation. At the conference, which took place on 13 August 2013, there were discussions on further steps towards achieving malaria elimination in Tajikistan and scaling up existing partnerships on malaria with international organizations, civil society, media, scientific and research institutions as well as national governments.

The conference was organized by the Ministry of Health with financial support from a malaria elimination grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). At the event, Programme Manager on Malaria and other Vector-borne and Parasitic diseases, Dr Mikhail Ejov, was given an award in the form of a letter of appreciation from the Ministry of Health of Tajikistan acknowledging his long-term support of malaria control (1999-2010) and malaria elimination programmes (2011-2013) in Tajikistan.

Participants included programme managers on malaria, vector-borne and parasitic diseases; international experts from WHO/Europe; senior health officials from the Kyrgyzstan; Ministry of Health Tajikistan; Global Fund representatives and health officials from Sanitary Epidemiological Surveillance Service (SSESS) and from the Republican, Oblast and District tropical diseases centres.