Mid-term review of paediatric care project in Tajikistan

On 2–7 October 2013,  a  group of national supervisors along with WHO and Russian experts conducted the first round of supportive supervision visits to 10 hospitals in Khatlon oblast of Tajikistan that are  participating in a WHO project on improving the quality of paediatric care in first-level referral hospitals in selected countries of central Asia and Africa  (2012–2014). This project is funded by the Russian Federation.  Supportive supervision is considered to be key to supporting trained hospital staff in changing clinical practices and attitudes.

In each hospital, the team assessed progress according to an approved hospital action plan and supervisory tool. The team visited and observed care in the relevant departments, talked to mothers, hospital administration and staff, identified problems and provided practical recommendations. Briefing on the visit was provided at the general hospital staff meetings.

On 10 October,  WHO and the Ministry of Health conducted  a mid-term review meeting to present the results of the visits to key stakeholders involved in implementation of the project, including hospital managers from all project hospitals. The participants reviewed progress to date, identified critical challenges and proposed feasible solutions to overcome the constraints.