Better noncommunicable disease outcomes: challenges and opportunities for health systems. Tajikistan country assessment (2014)





Cardiovascular diseases are the predominant cause of death in Tajikistan, with a growing burden of ischemic heart disease, strokes and cirrhosis between 1990 and 2010.

This report focuses on cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors, such as hypertension and poor nutrition; it is estimated that 40% of the Tajik population is overweight and 9% is obese. Other risk factors such as diabetes and tobacco use are also analysed. While Tajikistan has made some progress in implementing anti-smoking policies and reducing the harmful use of alcohol, opportunities such as better enforcement and monitoring of legislation exist. Significant challenges also remain for coverage of core individual services, especially in the effective diagnosis and management of key cardiovascular disease conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes.

This report identifies key health system challenges that prevent greater coverage of core noncommunicable diseases interventions and services, and proposes three strategic recommendations to accelerate gains in cardiovascular diseases outcomes.