WHO/Europe trains laboratory and education experts on curriculum development for laboratory doctors


WHO/Europe's Better Labs for Better Health initiative, in collaboration with the Dutch Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), facilitated a 3-day training course on curriculum development for laboratory doctors on 16–18 March 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. This workshop was a continuation of work done in-country during which existing laboratory curricula were reviewed, and required competencies for laboratory doctors were identified.

Workshop participants comprised course directors, trainers, laboratory supervisors and laboratory directors from Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The working languages were English and Russian with simultaneous interpretation.

Participants shared their findings from previous curriculum reviews, and were able to further develop their curricula through skills development in competency identification and teaching methodology. On return to their countries, participants will continue to work towards a finalized curriculum, following the curriculum development framework shared during the workshop.