Impact assessment of mhGAP training: evidence from the Ministry of Health–WHO training programme in Turkey (2021)



Over 3300 health professionals in Turkey received training in mental health and psychosocial support topics between 2017 and 2019 in the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (‎mhGAP)‎, a joint Ministry of Health and WHO initiative. Syrian and Turkish health professionals currently provide mental health and psychosocial services to over 3.6 million Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey.

A multicomponent impact assessment of mhGAP training was commissioned (‎with European Union funding)‎ to determine the usefulness of the training programme in preparation for further mhGAP training from 2020 onwards. The assessment comprised an online survey, pre-/post-tests for trainees, an analysis of health-care utilization by trainees, compliance of trainees with mhGAP service guidelines, and patient exit interviews.

The main findings were that trainees were satisfied with mhGAP training and gained significant knowledge that was attributable to the training. Both health service utilization and quality of service provision (‎in most categories)‎ were improved after training. Finally, patients were highly satisfied with the mental health and psychosocial service provision.