
Development and implementation of new indicators

A set of new indicators to monitor implementation of the Parma Declaration commitments is under development. Some proposed indicators will use data from existing sources, like exposure to allergenic pollen and mortality from heat-waves. Others  will require many Member States to conduct new data collection, which will close critical data gaps and provide consistent and comparable information.

Seven new indicators will measure children’s exposure to priority environmental risks at schools, such as selected indoor air pollutants, poor ventilation, mould and dampness, tobacco smoke, access to sanitation facilities, hygiene and transportation to school. Data collection for these indicators is being tested through pilot surveys in several Member States.   

Another series of indicators will measure prenatal exposures to selected priority chemicals and tobacco smoke. Data for these indicators are not currently available in many countries. The methodology of a new WHO human biomonitoring survey in maternities aiming at closing these data gaps is being pilot tested.  

Assessment of environment and health policies

A policy action survey among national focal points for environment and health addresses selected priority areas, such as indoor air quality and sanitation in schools and childcare facilities. Information about national policies, along with data on exposure and health effects, will help identify policy gaps and priorities for action.

Assistance to Member States

WHO/Europe supports countries in the application of harmonized methods of environmental health monitoring that ensure consistency and comparability of data. It also facilitates the development of national environment and health information systems that enhance dissemination of information. For example, ENHIS staff organized a training workshop on the standard WHO methodology for exposure assessment survey in schools in order to assist specialists from 13 Member States in the preparation of national surveys in schools. Similar initiatives will support countries in carrying out the pilot human biomonitoring survey.