Terms of reference

The Committee is the regional equivalent of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Health Research (ACHR), which was established in 1959 by the Twelfth World Health Assembly, under the name of Advisory Committee on Medical Research, “in order to provide the Director-General with the necessary scientific advice in relation to the research programme.” It has since been re-named the “Advisory Committee on Health Research”, in line with the decision taken by the Thirty-ninth World Health Assembly in May 1986.

The terms of reference of the EACHR are:
  • Advise the Regional Director on formulation of policies for the development of research for health in the Region.
  • Review the scientific basis of selected WHO European Regional programmes, with particular attention to their translational aspects.
  • Advise the Regional Director on new findings emerging from research results regarding priority public health issues, and effective evidence-based strategies and policies to address them.
  • Facilitate dialogue and interaction among the public health community, research bodies and funding agencies in order to promote the exchange of information on research agendas in the Region and address evidence gaps in priority areas such as noncommunicable diseases.
  • Facilitate the compilation and review of the results of major research programmes addressing priority public health problems, and assess their implications for policy at the international, national and local levels.
  • Support the development of research potential and capacity, nationally and regionally, with special attention to the eastern part of the Region.
  • Pursue the harmonization of research activities in the Region with those of other regions and at the global level.
  • Formulate as appropriate ethics criteria for public health research activities.
Some of these activities will be carried out with the support of the relevant WHO Collaborating Centres, as appropriate.