Terms of reference for the Chairperson

The Regional Director appoints the Chairperson of the EACHR among leading European public health scientists for a three year term that will normally be non-renewable except at the discretion of the Regional Director. In order to ensure continuity, the outgoing Chairperson may remain for one year as an ex officio member of the board after the end of his/her term.

The Chairperson will:

  • Chair the Committee at least once a year.
  • Prepare in consultation with the Regional Director and the secretariat of the EACHR an annual plan of work for the European Advisory Committee on Health Research and submit it to the Committee for endorsement.
  • At the end of each year of his/her mandate, present to the RD a report on the work of the committee and on emerging critical issues on research for health in Europe.
  • Liaise with Advisory Committees in other regions and with ACHR at the global level.
  • Assume other such duties as shall, from time to time, be agreed with the Regional Director.