Country work


Collaboration and support develop in the process of blood service reform and strengthening national dedicated services based on voluntary non remunerated blood donation across the region, where the need is the most. Some examples of recent work, developed in close collaboration with national and international stakeholders, follow.


Research at national level in the area of blood transfusion on the potential benefits of patient involvement in the blood transfusion process to reduce transfusion use and safety risks (incorporated in the compiled report on patient engagement in reducing safety risks based on regional reviews and national studies).


Assessment mission performed in close collaboration with the Competent Authority for Blood services and the Hellenic Haemovigilance Centre to develop recommendations for strengthening the regulatory institutional arrangements and supportive framework for the overall efficiency of blood supply management, and equitable provision of transfusion therapy to patients.


Within the framework of the collaborative CAR agreement between US Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) and HQ, several capacity building exercises including 2 subregional trainings (Astana) were conducted in donor promotion, quality management and optimal use of blood. The results of a social survey addressing health behavior and donor promotion informed the development of a dedicated national donor programme and strategy. Baseline action plan for implementing quality standards in the blood service was initiated.


Participation of local blood services representatives in the subregional CAR training session for trainers in quality management for the blood services held in Astana; social survey for addressing health behavior and donor promotion informed the national donor programme and strategy
Baseline action plan for implementing quality standards in the blood service was initiated.


Support to blood service reform in the framework of IPA funded project, with harmonization of legal framework and new Law on Blood supply adopted by Parliament  on 9 January 2014, entered into force  on 17 January 2014; institutional arrangement for promotion of blood donation, dedicated social survey and communication strategy for donor promotion completed, plan for development of human resources in transfusion medicine for the period 2013-2022 and occupational standards for staff completed, quality model and manual for the blood service finalized, and national inspection plan under development. A study tour was completed in January 2104 in Malta. Several capacity building sessions have taken place and further are planned.


Capacity building in haemovigilance and quality management for the blood service, establishment of national group for external quality assessment schemes and work on national guidelines with expert support from France, the Russian Federation, Singapore, in collaboration with CDC and HQ programme. Baseline action plan for implementing quality standards in the blood service was initiated. Social survey for addressing health behavior and donor promotion informed the national donor programme and strategy, complemented by training in donor promotion (subregional training hosted in Dushanbe for key blood services staff from CAR). Technical input to the review of blood services in TJK within the HIV prevention Global Fund project.