Coordinated/integrated health services delivery (CIHSD). Kick-off technical meeting



3-5 February 2014, Istanbul

In line with the vision of the new European Health Policy - Health 2020 - for strengthening health system and pursuing a life-course approach and continuum of care to support universal health coverage, a Framework for Action towards Coordinated/Integrated Health Services Delivery (CIHSD) is being developed for the WHO European Region to answer to the health challenges of the 21st century, from changing demographics and increases in chronic diseases to the fast evolving technological advances. Strengthening the coordination/integration in the delivery of services is recognised to play a pivotal role in both responding to these needs while overcoming the enduring shortcomings of existing models of care. It is in this context, and in response to the calls of Member States for contextualised, evidence-based policy-options to enable system-wide changes that the development of the Framework for Action towards CIHSD has been shaped. To this purpose, a Roadmap, officially launched by the Regional Director in Tallinn in October 2013, has been defined to guide the development process.

The development of the Framework for Action on Coordinated/Integrated Health Services Delivery (FFA CIHSD), outlined in the above mentioned Roadmap, consists of three pillars leading towards the final Framework: (1) developing of a concept note, (2) gathering of field evidence, and (3) supporting the management of change.

The report at hand and the feedback received during this meeting will be used to further develop and refine the Framework for Action, ensuring the highest possible relevance and practicability for Member States.