Report of the Second Annual Technical Meeting on Coordinated/Integrated Health Services Delivery (CIHSD)



Developing the Framework for Action in the context of the European Policy Health 2020

17–18 February 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

The Roadmap to develop a Framework for Action towards Coordinated/Integrated Health Services Delivery (CIHSD) places a strong emphasis on a participatory approach to ensure ownership in the process of its development. This includes input from Member State Technical Focal Points on CIHSD and the Expert Advisory Team. In order to achieve the highest possible engagement, the Second Annual Technical Meeting on CIHSD was called for to report on the progress made since the Kick-Off Technical Meeting in February 2014 and to receive further input. This meeting gave the Member States Technical Focal Points and Expert Advisory Team the opportunity to discuss the continued advancement of key concepts and to facilitate the exchange of experiences and insights from countries and participants. The report at hand and the feedback received during this meeting will be used to further develop and refine the Framework for Action, ensuring the highest possible relevance and practicability for Member States.