Catalogue of resources to support health services delivery transformations (2016)



This document catalogues over 500 resources available to support putting health services delivery transformations into practice. The resources include tools, guides, frameworks, cases and databases, among others, that can be applied to support efforts including:

  • understanding and defining concepts;
  • planning actions;
  • ensuring consistency and quality;
  • gathering and reporting on evidence; and/or
  • learning and exchanging information.

The identified resources are logged according to the domains, areas for action and key strategies set out in the European Framework for Action on Integrated Health Services Delivery. The catalogued resources have been identified through a series of topic-specific reviews as well as country case studies carried out by the Health Services Delivery Programme of the Division of Health Systems and Public Health at the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The catalogue has also benefited from expert recommendations. 

The list of resources is not exhaustive but rather illustrates how different resources complement and can be used in line with the European Framework for Action on Integrated Health Services Delivery.