Final Consultation meeting of the European Framework for Action on Integrated Health Service Delivery. Meeting report (2016)




On 2–3 May 2016, the WHO Regional Office for Europe hosted a final consultation meeting of the European Framework for Action on Integrated Health Services Delivery (EFFA IHSD) at UN City in Copenhagen, Demark.

The event convened over 170 participants from more than 30 Member States in the WHO European Region, and representatives from professional associations, patient organizations and other special interest groups, as well as international experts, development partners and WHO staff. Over the two–day meeting, the Framework’s four domains were discussed in detail:

  • populations and individuals;
  • health services delivery;
  • other health system enablers; and
  • change management.

Each domain was explored through expert presentations, country cases, panel discussions and comments from participants.

This report provides an overview of the meeting and related discussions. These discussions inform the final review and revisions to the EFFA IHSD for presentation at the 66th session of the Regional Committee for Europe in September 2016.