Activities and expected results


The WHO Regional Office for Europe is supporting countries in implementing effective and efficient TB service delivery systems, shifting towards more outpatient-oriented and integrative models of care, with sustainable financing and well-aligned payment mechanisms.

WHO also seeks increased political commitment to transform health systems to end TB, through regional cooperation and sharing of evidence.

These objectives will be achieved through:

  • documenting experience of countries and lessons from collaborating partner organizations
  • developing a blueprint for TB models of care
  • conducting high-level and bottom-up regional and national advocacy programmes to engage countries
  • supporting implementation of people-centred TB models of care through country roadmaps
  • capacity-building and dialogue at the regional level.

The activities are funded through a TB Regional Eastern Europe and Central Asia Project (TB-REP) on strengthening health systems for effective TB and drug-resistant TB prevention and care. The project is funded through a grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, implemented by the Center for Health Policies and Studies, as the principal recipient, and the WHO Regional Office for Europe, as the technical lead agency, in collaboration with partners, over three years from 2016 to 2018.

The grant covers activities in 11 eastern European and central Asian Member States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan).

Expected results

  • Countries adopt key policies on people-centred TB service delivery, TB care financing and human resources for TB programmes
  • Hospital care is used rationally, based on clearly defined and adopted admission and discharge criteria
  • Countries have roadmaps to incorporate people-centred policies for sustainable and effective TB prevention and care

The Regional Office provides strategic guidance and technical advice, and facilitates the dialogue among countries to encourage cross-fertilization of beneficial thoughts and actions.