
Antibiotic resistance affects the entire WHO European Region, driven by the overuse, underuse and misuse of antibiotics. Although some efforts have been made to combat indiscriminate use, many countries have no national regulation or enforcement on antibiotic usage.

  • Healthy animals are given antibiotics to promote growth or prevent disease.
  • Commercial companies promote use of antibiotics irresponsibly.
  • In several countries, antibiotics are available over the counter.

For the practical implementation of the European Strategic Action Plan on Antibiotic Resistance, WHO/Europe focuses mainly on the non-European Union (EU) Member States of eastern Europe and central Asia. EU countries are covered by a number of partner organization activities, which WHO/Europe collaborates with and supports, although guidance and support is offered to all Member States of the Region. For the practical implementation of the European strategic action plan on Antibiotic Resistance, WHO/Europe focuses mainly on non-European Union (EU) Member States, although guidance and support is offered to all Member States of the Region. Methods used by WHO/Europe are similar to those of partner organizations such as the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, which allows for cross-Europe comparisons of data. Efforts in countries are centred on coordination between sectors of government, academia and industry, human and animal health, etc.

WHO supports countries in the development of their national action plans, and in the setup or strengthening of surveillance on antibiotic consumption and resistance through a number of activities including:

  • country missions
  • workshops
  • capacity building
  • facilitation of twinning between national reference laboratories
  • tailored consultancy.

WHO/Europe works actively on promoting responsible use of antibiotics. It provides direct support to countries to establish evidence on antimicrobial medicines consumption and helps identify policy options to address consumption. WHO/Europe provides training, and helps countries build capacity among health professionals and relevant stakeholders to improve prescribing and use.

Monitoring of antimicrobials consumption data is an important component of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance and is a crucial element for prevention of the further development of antimicrobial resistance in the populations.

Antimicrobial Medicines Consumption (AMC) Network

In collaboration with partners, the AMC Network was established in 2011 to assist non-EU countries and areas in setting up or strengthening surveillance at country/area level. Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, North Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, as well as Kosovo (in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)) and Switzerland are currently engaged in the Network. Monitoring of consumption at country/area level helps provide centralized data to ensure that strategies to address antimicrobial consumption and resistance are effective. Efforts are closely coordinated with the ECDC so that data are comparable and can provide a pan-European overview of trends.