Health systems strengthening in the context of Health 2020: challenges and priorities in the WHO European Region (2015)




Expert meeting
Barcelona, Spain, 3–4 November 2014

On 3-4 November 2014, the Division of Health Systems and Public Health (DSP), the WHO Regional Office for Europe, brought together senior staff in the Division of Health Systems and Public Health of the WHO Regional Office for Europe and external experts who have worked closely with WHO/Europe on health systems strengthening to identify priority areas for health systems strengthening. 

The meeting was the first step in identifying priorities for health systems strengthening from 2015 to 2020 for a draft resolution to be submitted to the RC65. The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss the content of the upcoming WHO Regional Office's draft strategic document which will inform the positioning of the Regional Office's priorities in strengthening people-centered health systems for the next 5 years, to realize the goals of Health 2020. 

In identifying priorities, the group discussed key constraints and challenges health systems are likely to face in the next five to ten years, taking into account the diversity of countries in the European Region. The group identified ways in which WHO can best support Member States (at country and regional levels) to make progress in the priority areas and identified priorities for generating the evidence needed to support member states in health systems strengthening.