Member State and non-State actor consultations

During the first phase of the Oslo Medicines Initiative (the Initiative), WHO/Europe hosted an online consultation for all 53 Member States and areas in the WHO European Region on 21 January 2021.

With the agreement of Member States, the invitation to participate in an online consultation, and the option to submit written statements, was extended to non-State actors, including those from the private sector, patients’ associations and civil society bodies. The engagement was conducted in accordance with the Framework for Engagement with non-State actors (FENSA). Two non-State actor consultations were held for the first phase of the Initiative, one with nongovernmental and philanthropic organizations (26 April 2021), and the other with the private sector (27 April 2021).

The objectives of the consultations were to:

  • understand different perspectives on access to effective, novel, high-priced medicines, particularly relating to the current roles and responsibilities of the public and private sectors;
  • receive input on the proposals for the Oslo Medicines Initiative set out in the draft scope and purpose and discussion documents.

Copies of the agenda, the draft scope and purpose document, and a discussion paper setting out consultation questions relating to the objectives of the Initiative are available at the links below.

In response to the consultation questions raised in the discussion document, participants were invited to present their views and to submit written statements on behalf of their entity. To ensure transparency, the written statements have been made public and a summary report of the issues discussed during the consultation will be made available.

A second consultation process on progress to date and the development of a Member States and non-State actors draft outcome statement will be undertaken in winter 2021.