

Action is needed to ensure that the Member States of the European Region each have a dynamic and skilled health workforce that can adapt to the changing environment and respond to the new expectations of society. WHO/Europe works at both regional and country levels to assist Member States in addressing health workforce challenges by:

  • improving the quality of data for human resources for health (HRH) profiling and analysis through harmonizing standards, definitions and indicators;
  • monitoring health workforce dynamics, trends and progress on addressing the HRH challenges and to support informed decision-making;
  • facilitating multi-stakeholders dialogues on HRH at national and regional level;  
  • developing country profiles on HRH in all Member States;
  • organizing capacity building workshops and training courses on how to use WHO tools and other guidelines for HRH policy analysis, planning and management;
  • contributing to the scientific evidence base for policy-making through research activities and symposiums;
  • building and maintaining technical cooperation, networks and partnerships in HRH thematic area with all relevant agencies and organizations.