New WHO publications on primary care in Ukraine and Serbia

As part of the evaluation of primary care in Ukraine and Serbia using the WHO Primary Care Evaluation Tool, WHO/Europe held validation meetings to discuss draft results and outcomes, and ways forward with all concerned stakeholders in Ukraine in December 2009 and Serbia in March 2010. These validation meetings were the last with local stakeholders before the finalization and publication of the evaluation reports. The project team presented all draft results to the local working groups, usually comprising representatives from regional health authorities, care providers, patient organizations, purchasers, researchers and staff of the health ministry. The reports are being finalized in light of their comments and input, including some key policy recommendations for further reforms or improvements.

The launch of the final WHO publications evaluating the organization and provision of primary care are planned for Ukraine in April 2010, Kazakhstan in May 2010 and Serbia in June 2010.

Further implementation of the Primary Care Evaluation Tool is planned to start in Romania and Slovakia in the first half of 2010. For more information, please see the Activities section.