Estonia shares health insurance fund experience with Republic of Moldova

Within the framework of a development cooperation project, the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is financing the project “Supporting the Functioning of Moldovan Health Insurance System” conducted by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund. The main aim of this project is to support the development of Moldovan health insurance system through sharing the Estonian experience. Until the end of 2012, four meeting sessions will be held. During these sessions, trainings in different areas will be held, Estonian practices introduced and experiences shared.

In the first study session held in the Republic of Moldova, strategic planning at the organizational level will be introduced and an overview of the compilation of the health insurance development plan and the creation of the performance management system will be provided.

The second and third meeting sessions will be held in Estonia. The areas covered will be active purchasing of health care services including principles of price formation of health care services, budgeting and a system of contracting with health care providers together with guaranteeing the monitoring of and compliance with contracts. In the first half 2012, an overview of the principles of the legislation governing health insurance in the European Union and the preparations necessary in the field of health insurance before joining the European Union will be introduced.

The fourth session will provide information about the technology solutions in Estonia that support organizational performance, price formation of health care services as well as budget and contract management. During the Moldovan Health Insurance Fund’s meeting sessions in Estonia, the work of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund’s local departments will be introduced.

The experience and knowledge sharing project between the Estonian and Moldovan health insurance funds is supported by the WHO Country Office, Republic of Moldova. The aim is to coordinate technical assistance to be complementary to the ongoing development aid in the country, support the overall health sector reform process and integrate the project into other initiatives in the areas of health financing.
The first study session will be held at the end of September 2011, in the Republic of Moldova.