2nd Florence International Training (FIT) Course

Impact of the economic crisis on the determinants of health and response strategies in Europe

17-22 November 2013
Florence, Italy

The Course aims to illustrate the impact of the economic crisis on health and well-being, and share response strategies with participants in order to mitigate the negative effects. Topics of discussion will include actions to reduce health inequalities, to improve solidarity and resilience and to strengthen governance for health. The deadline for receiving applications is 30 August 2013.

The 2nd FIT Course supports the implementation of Health 2020, the new European policy framework for health and well-being. It is an initiative of the newly established International Training Centre for Health, Development and Sustainable Societies (ITC-HEADSS) located in Florence.


The FIT Course is a six-day, intensive training programme organized by the Tuscany Region of Italy in collaboration with WHO/Europe’s European Office for Investment for Health and Development in Venice. English is the official language for the Course. It is built around 5 modules:

  1. impact of the economic downturn on health across Europe;
  2. policies at the supranational and national levels;
  3. programmes at the subnational level;
  4. programmes at the local level; and
  5. whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches in difficult economic times.

Participant requirements

The FIT Course 2013 will accept a maximum of 35 participants. They must be health professionals (policy-makers, government officials, public health experts, researchers, representatives of patient and other nongovernmental organizations, technical experts, etc.) aged ≤ 40 years with an interest in addressing the implications of the economic crisis on health, and in promoting equity and well-being. The Tuscany Region offers 10 bursaries to selected candidates. Priority will be given to professionals working in the Regions for Health or Healthy Cities networks, and WHO country offices and collaborating centres.


The FIT faculty includes experts from the Karolinska Institute (Sweden), Florence University (Italy), Oxford University and University of Liverpool (United Kingdom), the International Centre for Migration, Health and Development (ICMHD) (Switzerland), WHO/Europe and other European institutions.

Contact and registration information

Course coordinators: Dr Flavio Lirussi, Dr Elena Rebora

Course directors: Dr Erio Ziglio, Dr Alberto Zanobini