Bulgaria: Georgi Hristov

Beyond the hospital, the social workers helped me adapt to the real world and gain control of my disease.

Georgi Hristov

Health experience related to: paranoid schizophrenia

Involving people in self-managing their health and empowering them to peer mentor other patients increases well-being and engagement with the health system.

I have a condition called paranoid schizophrenia. My health is relatively stable and for that I am grateful for the therapy I receive from my treating physician. Services are coordinated between him and other doctors, and I participate in learning modules on self-management at a community health centre. My part-time job as an operator at a laundry service keeps me active. The contacts with my family also sustain me and keep me in good health.

I receive ongoing support at a multiprofile hospital for active treatment in neurology and psychiatry. I feel confident about the treatment plan recommended by the doctor there, in part because of his open and positive attitude. I am well cared for and my symptoms are carefully analysed by the health team. Beyond the hospital, the social workers at the Global Initiative on Psychiatry (GIP)-Sofia community centre helped me adapt to the real world and gain control of my disease. They also invited me to participate in educational modules on healthy lifestyle, conversational skills and English as a second language.

There is still a heavy bureaucracy with regard to services for people with mental health problems in Bulgaria. Although a referral from my family doctor to see a mental health specialist is good for up to 6 months, I may have to wait a long time to see my family doctor in the first place. There is no mechanism to access the physician in case there is something urgent. The health system should find a more flexible solution in case of urgently needed consultations by people with mental health issues. The doctor himself is very responsive to my needs. During my most recent visit he told me, "You can come by any Tuesday. I like talking with you about your life situation." We talk about things that I don't discuss at length even with my own family. I'll go and see him again soon.

My family doctor also helps me in other situations. Some time ago I needed to see a dentist and she gave me a referral. The case manager at the mental health community centre encouraged me to get some additional dental work done. Now I can eat, smile and feel comfortable around people.

In addition to my job at the laundry service, I work as an expert-by-experience at GIP-Sofia. There I assist other patients with mental health problems when they need help filling out paperwork, making appointments with specialists or managing their condition. I understand that other people's psychological health needs are just as serious as mine was and that I have something to give back that can help them deal with difficult diagnoses.

This work has enabled me to see life in new ways and taught me to be more tactful and tolerant. I have gained confidence and become a more positive person. I also receive a modest salary for my work as an expert-by-experience, as well as from the laundry service. This shows me that from the lowest to the highest level, people's efforts are appreciated when institutions are honest.