Health Workforce Estimator (HWFE)

The Health Workforce Estimator (HWFE) is an Excel-driven tool that Member States can easily use to estimate the required number of each type of health worker based on the target number of mild, moderate, severe and critical patients per day.

It also provides an analysis of the throughput of mild, moderate, severe and critical patients in multiple facilities, and highlights workforce gaps for each type of health worker.

The  Contact Tracing tool is an Excel-driven tool that member states can use to estimate the required staffing levels for a defined reporting rate and a number of scenarios including follow up strategy and period, social distancing rules and the use of any digital tools.

The HWFE, CT and Adaptt tools are complementary to the COVID-19 ESFT.  All tools use the same base clinical attack rate ranges and classify health workforce using ILO ISCO codes, but their outputs are intentionally different due to their primary focus.