Workshop on implementation of the WHO package of essential noncommunicable disease interventions (WHO PEN) for primary health care


On 17–19 May 2016 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, teams from the European PEN pioneer countries met with countries from eastern Europe and central Asia with a similar interest in implementing essential noncommunicable disease (NCD) interventions for primary health care.
This interactive workshop was a follow up to a first meeting in October 2015, in which participants identified issues of common interest and expressed willingness to share experience, to provide peer support and to develop a community of practice.

The workshop provided opportunities for sharing experience and learning about evidence-based strategies for clinical guideline implementation, quality systems, training and education, and monitoring and evaluation of impact.
The meeting agenda covered 6 key themes.

  1. Support Member States in implementing the WHO PEN for primary health or an equivalent level of care.
  2. Learn about evidence-based strategies for implementation of clinical practice guidelines/protocols in primary care, potential barriers and ways to overcome them.
  3. Consider implementation of clinical practice guidelines/protocols in primary care as a part of comprehensive quality systems, which include educational interventions, audits and other actions for improvement.
  4. Review effective approaches for training and educating primary health care professionals.
  5. Consider implementation research, and relevant approaches to monitoring the effectiveness of implementation and evaluating its impact.
  6. Consider how broader community and patient initiatives might support NCD prevention and treatment in the clinical setting.

This workshop was made possible by funding from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


WHO PEN is a conceptual framework for strengthening equity and efficiency of primary health care in low-resource settings. It defines a minimum set of essential NCD interventions to be implemented and comprises 4 clinical practice protocols.