WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care: annual report of activities 2018 (2019)




The year 2018 was an exciting period for the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care. From new technical collaborations on topics including antimicrobial resistance, after-hours care and men’s health, to supporting more than 20 countries across the Region to assess primary health care, measure performance and develop health services delivery polices, the year was rich with technical explorations and policy advice to advance integrated health services delivery, people-centred systems and universal health coverage. The Centre brought together country representatives, renowned experts and civil society to share their expertise and firsthand insights in transforming health services delivery through numerous workshops, events and consultations. Importantly, in 2018 we also celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata. In  commemoration of this landmark event, the Centre supported yearlong technical preparations to publish a special issue of Public Health Panorama, host a regional scientific conference on primary health care, disseminate key messages through various media channels across the Region and, ultimately, convene the Global Conference on Primary Health Care in Astana, Kazakhstan. Now in its third year at its premises in Almaty, the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care has consolidated a diverse network of local partners. This annual report highlights the activities of the Centre in 2018 across its core areas of work—analysing, advising, and sharing. The report also highlights events related to the 40th anniversary of primary health care and the Centre’s plans for 2019.