Age-friendly environments in Europe (AFEE)

Maria Bertalanfy/City of Gyor

The Age-friendly environments in Europe (AFEE) project is an important contribution of the European Commission and the WHO Regional Office for Europe to step up work with cities and communities towards policies for age-friendly environments in Europe.

Vision and objectives

The project’s vision is a Europe where age-friendly cities and communities enable people of all ages to realize their full potential of health in a sustainable and equitable way. The overarching aim of the AFEE project is to increase opportunities for older people in their local environments by creating tools that will allow local and regional authorities to take strong commitments to become more age-friendly and to measure their progress towards this objective.

Latest scientific evidence, the experiences of the European Healthy Cities network and of the WHO global network of age-friendly cities and communities (GNAFCC) as well the ongoing work of the European innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing (EIP on AHA) will inform an updated Guide on creating age-friendly environments that is adapted to the European context.


  • To provide guidance and tools for local policy makers to help identify local priority areas of action, design action plans and evaluate age-friendly policies.
  • To identify and synthesize evidence from good local practices and research to better understand complex pathways between community action and healthy ageing.
  • To empower networks of cities and communities to provide guidance on developing, implementing and monitoring action for age-friendly cities.