Zacharenia Bosnakidi, 77, Greece

Reina Chatzigeorgiou

Zacharenia Bosnakidi lives in a private home in Thessaloniki.

Daily life

"I have a rather close relationship with my grandchildren. We often eat together and talk. I like spending my time with friends and my grandchildren. Generally, I could say I am a sociable and outgoing person.

"I like being creative. I like sewing and knitting a lot and I also love to watch opera."

Looking back, what advice would you give to younger people?

"I lived during a really bad era (war, dictatorship) and I wish for my grandchildren that they do not have to live the same way as I did as a child. I would advise them to be active, social and educate themselves as much as they can."

Falls prevention

"I had serious surgery on my spine nine years ago, and since then I have fallen several times. I'm really afraid of falling because my doctor told me that I may not be able to walk again after a serious fall. I now wear orthopaedic shoes and when walking I try to concentrate on my legs."

Physical activity

"During winter I only do some stretching and walking, but during summer (about 5 months a year) I swim every day for at least an hour. I love the sea and I believe swimming is the best form of exercise for me."

Informal and formal care

"I do all the housework alone, for me and my husband who has movement problems. The only thing is that when my husband has to go to the hospital for health care, one of my two sons has to drive us there. I used to have a cleaning lady, but now due to financial reasons, I do it all by myself again.

"I feel lucky generally, to be able to visit good doctors rather close to my house. However, it would be so much better to have a doctor that could visit us at home. Especially for my husband, it would be a relief."