Elena Andréová, 84, Slovakia

Photo: WHO

“My parents brought us up to respect elders and love one‘s neighbour. I always wanted to somehow help others and our house was open to all who needed it. Both my sons became doctors. The eldest, a cardiologist, always worked with older people.  The Velvet Revolution in 1989 created the possibility of providing social service as a real service, in which seniors receive all the respect and dignity they deserve. He put love and commitment into his work, and I always supported him as well as I could. Two years ago when he died unexpectedly, I realized that his work should continue. Older people need our love and attention constantly.

“I started volunteering at the facility at least once a week. With the seniors I play memory, explain foreign words that come up, sing songs, talk about current politics. Sometimes on Sunday I prepare a Biblical reflection and together we pray for managing the new day in this world before us.”