Krystyna Wolska Lipiec, 70, Poland


Mrs Krystyna Wolska Lipiec is Chairwoman of the Commission of History and the Main Archive of Polish Nursing. When asked about senility she says: “Growing old is growing up with reserve – there are many changes happening around us that we need to follow, but we must do it with humility. We need to know our abilities, but not race against it.”

Core values for Mrs Lipiec are to love people, to surround yourself with friends, to develop abilities to assess what is really important in life and most of all to have passions. “Passion is a driver to action, it helps you challenge limitations.” Her passion is her work –  The Barbara Purtak Central Archive for Polish Nursing and Virtual Museum of Polish Nursing. There is always something waiting to be done, such as discovering and obtaining new documentation for the Museum and organizing meetings to honour nurses and midwives.

Whenever she tires of everyday life, Mrs Lipiec spontaneously goes on trips to different parts of Poland together with her children and grandchildren. She and her friends call it Krystyna’s escapes. 

Mrs Lipiec’s house is always open – especially for meetings related to the Central Archive for Polish Nursing and Virtual Museum of Polish Nursing.