Mominat Omarova, 73, Azerbaijan


"I was born in 1939 in the Zaqatala region of Azerbaijan, and despite the fact that my childhood fell into the war and post-war period I successfully finished high school and then graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages. Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to be actively involved in the problems of modern society. 

"Currently I am involved in the promotion of gender equality in my country. Being appointed as Deputy Chair of the newly established Women State Committee has enabled me to contribute to several important initiatives in this area. In addition, I was elected Vice chair and then Chair of the Gender Equity Committee of the Council of Europe. I consider my work aimed at solving the problems of people with diabetes in Azerbaijan as one of most important activities in my life. I established and chair the Azerbaijan Diabetes Association.

"Since I am constantly involved in different projects and lead an active life, I do not feel my age. On the contrary, I feel energetic and healthy. I think the main problem faced by ageing people is the inability to use their experience and knowledge in public life. It would be good if more attention were paid to their social needs, which include access to clubs, seminars, art classes, sports activities and other forms of entertainment, self-expression, and communication with others that share their interests and points of view. When people reach retirement age they are often left without any activities, which leads to both physical and mental health problems. They feel unwanted and often fall into depression. 

"Because of my position, I receive a government pension. Other people with less pension potentially have difficulties paying for housing, food and clothing. Another problem is travel insurance. When I was invited to attend a seminar in Strasbourg I was not able to get travel insurance because companies that I referred to refuse to issue travel insurance to people aged above 70. This practice could prevent older people from travelling."