Vojtech Bradovka, 87, Slovakia


“During my working years I lived in a three-generational family together with my parents and my wife's mother. I think the care we gave them was a good example for our two sons, because we receive the same support now in our old age from them. The absolute confidence we have in family relationships makes plans or fears of ageing useless for us. We are fortunate that we also have very good relations with neighbours in our village. They offer us selfless help in many ways, especially with shopping. In return, we gladly look after their children, etc. 

“My wife is physically better off than I am; she manages the household, cooks and cares for the flowers and plants in the garden. I am wheelchair bound, but I can do some small household repairs and repair neighbourhood kids’ toys in my hobby room. Most of my time is spent working with computers and communicating electronically via the Internet with others my age. I monitor the activities of Czech and Slovak seniors on the Internet; and I must say that the Slovak seniors do not compare well. Many of my life-long friends who held prominent positions in cultural fields are unable to overcome their shyness with respect to working with computers. At best they tap their thoughts onto paper using pre-war mechanical typewriters. There are many more Internet portals and correspondents working on the senior theme in the Czech Republic. I am trying to contribute to change by providing my web site and working on the Internet.”