Wirginia Talan Szmyt, 73, Poland

Wirginia Talan Szmyt is well known in Poland. What is so special about her? A grandmother of three, she spends every weekend in the clubs of Warsaw working as DJ WIKA. When asked about her credo she says: “What is senility? It is nothing but a spiritual condition. If someone does not have the will to live he is already old at 40.”

Ms Szmyt studied special and rehabilitation pedagogy in Poznan. After graduation she worked in a youth detention centre. Currently retired, she organizes meetings and trips for people aged 50 and above. These meetings aim at popularizing a healthy and active lifestyle. She says:  “Nature is not just ‘something’ surrounding us, it is part of us, and we're part of nature. Ageing is part of our lives. But those who remain active all their lives report greater levels of excitement and enthusiasm.”

She herself had a hip joint replacement surgery and needed crutches to walk for a while. But even then she did not give up her passion – playing at clubs as a DJ.

She performs as DJ WIKA three days a week. "Music was always important in my life. When playing I observe people on the dance floor and entice those not having fun to dance by playing different kinds of music.”

When asked what gives her strength to live actively she says: “It is important to change one’s attitude toward time passing by, to act with passion because this is what may give us satisfaction.”