Regional Advisory Panel for Research and Training in Reproductive Health in the European Region convenes in Copenhagen, Denmark, 27–28 April 2011


Members of the Regional Advisory Panel for Research and Training in the European Region met in Copenhagen from 27–28 April together with observers, partners and representatives from WHO headquarters to discuss and decide on further implementation of the WHO Global Reproductive Health Strategy (2004) and the WHO European Regional Strategy on Reproductive and Sexual Health (2001).

The main topics of the meeting focussed on:

  • Policies and strategies for improving maternal health and achieving universal access to reproductive health;
  • Progress in implementing evidence based, gender responsive policies, tools and guidelines to improve sexual and reproductive health;
  • Collaboration with international partner organizations working in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights: suggestions for future joint activities and strengthening of partnership;
  • Research gaps and capacity strengthening in the European Region;
  • Strengthening technical and research capacity in the European Region – future planning for 2012-2013;
  • ENTRE NOUS – WHO/UNFPA European Magazine on Sexual and Reproductive Health.

The development of the European Health Strategy “Health 2020”, the Report on Social Determinants of Health and other priorities of the WHO/Europe were among the main topics discussed. Both members of the Panel and partners expressed their readiness to participate in developing and discussing these important strategic documents to ensure that they meet the goals of the WHO Europe Member States in the area of sexual and reproductive health

The recommendations of the Panel will be available in the report of the meeting.