Background information to the WHO-EC Grant Agreement

The main aim of the activities constituting the agreement was to improve the accessibility and quality of harm reduction services for IDUs, especially HIV treatment, integrated HIV-TB services, hepatitis C treatment, and opioid substitution treatment. The specific objectives were:

  1. Develop a strategy for improving the accessibility and quality of harm reduction services in the EU and WHO European Region.
  2. Assess the accessibility and quality of HIV treatment and delivery systems among injecting drug users (IDUs).
  3. Appraise the tuberculosis related service needs, and accessibility and quality of HIV/TB integrated service provision among IDUs.
  4. Assess the accessibility and quality of hepatitis C treatment services and delivery for IDUs.
  5. Promote accessible and quality opioid substitution treatment services for IDUs.
  6. Develop and enhance the training on the delivery of high-quality harm reduction services in the Region.
  7. Promote the formation of policies supporting the delivery of high-quality harm reduction services at European and country level.

A Project Advisory Group was established to advise WHO/Europe with regard to implementation of the activities under the grant agreement and to ensure links and synergies with other activities in the area of harm reduction, treatment and care for IDUs in the Region.

Members of the Project Advisory Group are:

  • European Commission Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC)
  • WHO/Europe
  • London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine  (LSHTM)
  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
  • European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
  • Correlation Network – European Network Social Inclusion and Health.