WHO developing a new Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV/AIDS, 2011-2015

WHO has launched an extensive consultative process to determine priorities in a renewed global health sector response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic for 2011-2015.

This is the result of a resolution adopted at the Sixty-third Session of the World Health Assembly which requested that the WHO Director-General develop a Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV/AIDS 2011-2015, through a broad consultative process.

The 2011-2015 Strategy will:

build on the achievements and experiences of the "3 by 5" initiative and the five strategic directions of the WHO HIV/AIDS Universal Access Plan 2006-2010;

take into consideration the broad global HIV, health and development architecture, including the UNAIDS Strategy (under development) and UNAIDS Outcome Framework, and existing commitments to achieving Universal Access and the Millennium Development Goals;

identify existing and agreed global targets to motivate countries to plan for bold HIV/AIDS responses through to 2015;

provide guidance to countries on how to prioritize their HIV and broader health investments;

provide a framework for concerted WHO action at the global, regional and country levels and across all relevant WHO departments.

WHO is committed to a consultation process that involves all key stakeholders and constituencies. Therefore, the Organization is working in partnership with a broad range of constituencies, including Member States, civil society, donor and development agencies, non-governmental organizations, multilateral agencies (including the UN family), scientific and technical institutions and networks, and the private sector to develop the Strategy.

Given the particular challenges HIV/AIDS poses to public health in the European Region, with evidence of rapidly increasing transmission of HIV in many European countries, the WHO European Office is facilitating a Regional consultation process. The outcome of this process should reflect European priorities and context within the global strategy.

As part of the consultation WHO has launched a web-based consultation to seek input to the document. Consultation materials are available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Organizations and individuals can contribute to the consultation by submitting comments  by 31 August (or as soon as possible thereafter).