Evaluation report on HIV/AIDS treatment and care in Ukraine

During September 2012, an evaluation of the Ukrainian National Programme to Ensure HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care, and Support to HIV-positive People and Patients with AIDS 2009-2013 (hereafter, the National AIDS Programme (NAP)) was conducted.

The evaluation was initiated by the National Coordination Council on HIV&TB by approving the Evaluation Concept Note, followed by the establishment of a dedicated Working Group. The evaluation was conducted by a group of 15 national and international experts representing various nongovernmental and international organizations, including WHO Regional Office for Europe.

The three principal objectives of the evaluation of the NAP were to:

  • assess the achievements, strengths, shortcomings and weaknesses of the key areas of the NAP;
  • identify key bottlenecks, including policies, practices and other structural barriers, and generate strategic, policy and implementation recommendations on how to improve key outcomes and impacts in the next State AIDS Programme in Ukraine, including a strategic guidance for achieving Millennium Development Goal 6;
  • assess the national response efforts from the point of view of their efficiency and sustainability, and to generate recommendations on how to strengthen those within ongoing programmes and in the next cycle of the NAP.

The current report describes the evaluation of HIV/AIDS treatment and care in Ukraine and includes specific recommendations on how to improve the national response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The report is part of the overall NAP evaluation conducted.