Denmark celebrates new collaborating centre on HIV and viral hepatitis

Andreas Mikkel

On 9 December 2013 at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, a reception was held to celebrate the collaboration between WHO/Europe and the recently designated WHO Collaborating Centre on HIV and Viral Hepatitis.

The Copenhagen HIV Programme (CHIP) based at the University of Copenhagen, was officially designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre on HIV and Viral Hepatitis in September 2013. The activities of the new Collaborating Centre for the coming years include assisting WHO/Europe in the development of guidance and providing technical support on treatment and care of HIV and viral hepatitis, primarily to countries in central and eastern Europe and central Asia (CEECA). Moreover, the Collaborating Centre will support WHO/Europe in building strategic partnerships promoting and disseminating evidence-based data on HIV and viral hepatitis treatment and care in the CEECA region.

At the reception, keynote addresses were given by Dr Jannik Hilsted, Chief Medical Officer Rigshospitalet, Dr Birthe Høgh, Vice Dean Faculty of Health and Medical Science University of Copenhagen, Professor Jens Lundgren, Director, WHO Collaborating Centre on HIV and Viral Hepatitis and Dr Guenael Rodier, Director, Division of Communicable Diseases, Health Security and Environment, WHO/Europe.

Dr Rodier elaborated on the role of WHO collaborating centres and the current challenges on HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis in the WHO European Region and stressed the importance of CHIP as a key partner of the HIV/AIDS, STIs and Viral Hepatitis Programme over the last years.

“I would like to congratulate Professor Jens Lundgren and his staff for this achievement and am honoured to be here today to mark a new chapter in the collaboration of the Copenhagen HIV Programme with the WHO Regional Office for Europe, which has proven very fruitful over the years. This is also a great acknowledgement of the support and expertise available in Denmark, our host country.”

WHO/Europe is grateful for the continuing support and commitment of the Copenhagen HIV Programme and congratulates the Programme with its new status as a WHO Collaborating Centre for HIV and Viral Hepatitis.