HIV Programme Review in Georgia (2015)




This WHO country mission conducted in March 2015 aimed to review three key components of the HIV/AIDS programme in Georgia: HIV treatment and care along the cascade of services; HIV services for key populations; and service delivery models for populations affected by the HIV epidemic from the perspective of the health system as well as review the draft new National Strategic Plan. This technical assistance was provided ahead of the submission of the Global Fund concept note, due on 20 April 2015. It follows a June 2014 WHO country mission carried out to assess the achievements, strengths and shortcomings in the implementation of the Georgian National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan.
Georgia has a concentrated HIV epidemic but is facing serious challenges in controlling it. In 2013, of the newly diagnosed HIV infections with information about transmission mode, 37% were transmitted through heterosexual contact, 29% through injecting drug use and 14% through sex between men. At the end of 2014, the number of people living with HIV in Georgia was estimated to be 6,800, and some 45% of these people were not aware of their status.
The recommendations from the mission are presented as four priority areas: HIV testing, treatment, leadership and governance, services for key populations as well as suggestions for the revision of the National Strategic Plan.