Second meeting of the Regional Collaborating Committee on Accelerated Response to Tuberculosis, HIV and viral Hepatitis (RCC-THV) (10 December 2020)




The second annual meeting of the Regional Collaborating Committee on Accelerated Response to Tuberculosis, HIV and viral Hepatitis, (RCC-THV), organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, took place online on 10 December 2020. RCC-THV serves as a regional platform for the 50 Member States in the WHO European Region to scale up the response to all three epidemics in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 3: Health and Well-being.

The overall objectives were to help identify needs and reflect on effective approaches to delivering tuberculosis, HIV and viral hepatitis services; and to discuss actions to address identified gaps and sustain effective services within a multisectoral response at the national and regional levels, including through setting priorities for the 2021 workplan.

This document reviews the content of the meeting and summarizes key outcomes and the way forward in the response to the three epidemics.