Conclusions of the 8th meeting of the European Regional Verification Commission for Measles and Rubella Elimination (RVC)

The RVC is an independent panel of experts established by WHO/Europe to evaluate annual status updates and other documents received from the National Verification Committee for Measles and Rubella Elimination (NVC) of each of the 53 Member States in the WHO European Region. The RVC met for the eighth time on 12–14 June 2019 in Warsaw, Poland, and concluded the following based on reports submitted for 2018:


  • 37 (70%) Member States interrupted endemic measles transmission.
    • 35 (66%) provided evidence to demonstrate the elimination of endemic measles (interrupted transmission for at least 36 months).
    • 1 (2%) provided evidence for the interruption of measles transmission for at least 24 months and 1 (2%) for interruption of transmission for at least 12 months.
  • 12 (23%) were considered endemic for measles.
  • 4 (8%) were considered to have re-established measles transmission.


  • 42 (79%) interrupted endemic rubella transmission for at least 12 months.
    • 39 (73%) provided evidence to demonstrate the elimination of endemic rubella.
    • 3 (6%) provided evidence for interruption of rubella transmission for at least 24 months.
  • 11 (21%) were considered endemic for rubella.
  • 33 (63%) provided evidence for the elimination of both measles and rubella.
  • 9 (17%) were considered endemic for both measles and rubella.

The RVC concluded that in the majority of countries efforts to eliminate measles and rubella continue to result in the achievement or maintenance of interruption of endemic diseases transmission. However, it is of concern that some countries lost their measles-interruption or measles-eliminated status due to continuous transmission of measles virus for over 12 months in 2017 and 2018.

Conclusions per country are available in the report annex published on the WHO/Europe website. Full details of the RVC’s conclusions and recommendations will be provided in the pending meeting report.