Behavioural Insights Summer School (BISS)

The Behavioural Insights Summer School is an annual event, co-organized by WHO/Europe and the University of Erfurt. The aim of the Summer School is to strengthen knowledge of behavioural insights methods, and their application in practice, in national immunization programmes.

The Summer School includes a detailed introduction to the WHO tailoring immunization programmes (TIP) approach.

It offers a diverse setting and applies an interdisciplinary approach, where immunization programme managers and staff work together with PhD students in psychology, communication science and behavioural economics.

Learning objectives

Through a variety of plenary presentations, facilitated discussions and case-based practice working sessions, the Summer School presents how immunization programmes can take public perception into account, listen and obtain behavioural insights to tailor their services or plan an intervention.

The learning objectives are to:

  • know basic theories and frameworks of health behaviour change
  • recognize psychological mechanisms of vaccination behaviour
  • understand social science research techniques
  • know how to create behaviour change interventions
  • understand how to monitor and evaluate an intervention.

Participation in the Summer School

Participants need to be nominated by their country following an invitation from WHO. Any Member State which would like to take part is welcome to contact Katrine Bach Habersaat, Technical Officer: