Strategic Plan for Measles and Congenital Rubella Infection in the European Region of WHO






Measles and rubella remain important causes of vaccine-preventable disease and death in the European Region of WHO. Although an increasing number of Member States provide highly effective vaccines to prevent both of these diseases as part of their routine Expanded Programme on Immunization programmes, challenges remain to improve coverage in the countries currently using the vaccines and to introduce rubella vaccine in the countries that have not yet implemented a programme. The Strategic Plan for Measles and Congenital Rubella Infection in the European Region of WHO identifies key strategies to meet the targets for the European Region of interrupting indigenous measles transmission and preventing congenital rubella infection (< 1 case of congenital rubella syndrome per 100 000 live births) by 2010. Progress towards meeting these targets will be reviewed in 2005 in accordance with the 2005 global assessment of measles control.